Sunday, February 28, 2010


Saturday,traditionally a day of rest and relaxation, I had look through the SSK12 unit outline, and checked in with with the facebook groups.I continued with the LITE unit and completed another 2 modules. Facebook was a hive of activity with people discussing logins, lecturers, lecture groups and course content.great to see that the stress of waiting has been lifted, now the stress of study will set them all off again.It was great to see that the assignment outline I found on facebook and have almost completed is in the current unit structure, so I am far enough ahead for me to feel comfortable.I don't like to wait and follow the normal patern when I can create a buffer, and I am about 3 weeks ahead as it stands, having read the entire reader, and unit text, as well as having a very near complete assignment in my files.
It was nice to spend a couple of hours in the morning on the microeconomics text and I am a third of the way through it and understanding it.The math is making a lot more sense the farther I read through, and the logic of such ideas as demand and supply and elasticity in general are not just sinking in, but fascinating.I don't know if I could go down the economics path, but I can see how people change degrees and majors as they gain interests in new fields.
I spent maybe 2.5 hours in total today on my work, and that is not bad for a Saturday.

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