Monday, March 1, 2010

01/03/10 Start of SP1

Today it all began at 7.30 with my first official day as a university student, and it was not a big deal, considering I have been studying harder in the 4 weeks leading up to it than most do during their studies.
I completed the LITE unit that Murdoch include in the SSK12 assessment, and I acheived 80% or 20 out of 25.Not a great result, but I didn't take the time to go through the first 4 modules again before I did the assessment.The ones which were fres I got 5/5, lesson learned, as I just cost myself points.
I had still not received my login details from UNI SA anmd when I rang, they were really good and got me started, although I was lost until one lady called me later and helped me find my way around my area.Microeconomnics is going to be a lot of work, and they reccomend SSK10 before you start if you are new to uni, I hope SSK12 will help me as I go along, as well as my support network.time will tell.