Wednesday, February 10, 2010


What a productive day, not only do i now know how to make and add to a Blog, I have started a facebook group for studens studying SSK12 in SP1.Not only that, but we have 12 members already
It is wonderful to see the diversity of the people and I'm sure that were it not for Online Universities we would not have 18 year olds working together with 55 year olds.
It is a little suprising, but stands to reason that 10 of the members are female, a very noticable descrepency between the sexes.I guess the Monash statistics don't lie, and there are more females in tertiary education than males.
I wonder also whether there is an inate maleness at work and that most are leaving it to the last minute to make contact with others, thinking that the start date is indeed the day you must start.
Could it be this day and age that male pride and misguided egotism are at play also, with a '"I can do this myself", mentallity rearing it's head.
It seems that perhaps women are more considered and more inclined toward preparation, thus explaining their higher success rate in University study.
I gain great joy from reading the conversations between people who were just this morning,complete strangers and it will be fascinating to witness them grow as students and people.
I include myself in this of course, but I do take a mild guilty pleasure in seeing this as an experiment in social behaviour, and almost a game of sorts, where the aim is to make sure we all ace the Unit.
I feel as though the 2 weeks I have spent reading the text books and scouring the internet for resources,sources,samples and copies of previous assignments have given me a huge boost in confidence as well helped construct a certain understanding of what is ahead.
I feel that this time I shall not sit in the back row and instead will be the guy that gets things done, the go-to guy that finds the answers.I am reinventing myself and online is a marvellous place to start.

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