Tuesday, February 16, 2010


7am out of bed, kid off to school,see ya
7.30 am checking Facebook, up to 24 members of the SSK12 group and 12 in the Brisbane university students group.
Some really nice people coming onboard and another male joind SSK12 today....Whaaaa?
yes it is a suprise, we have a dramatic discrepancy in numbers between male and female, the bris group is mostly female,except for me and one more. and there are 4 males in SSK12, the other 3 have not said a word.Interesting how Some were vocal in threads they started, yet appear to have joined begrudgingly, maintaining a silent protest that they are not the boss.wahhhhhh
Funny thing is, I have made one person administrator and am starting to feel detached emotionally from the concept of the physical SSK12 group,the novelty of a new experience,the "shiny new toy", so to speak has worn off, and now I consider the groups as a security blanket, I see that it operates autonomously and that my input enriches the content, but is not implicitly crucial to it's survival.
I have breathed life into an online entity, populated it with an array of personalities and now the cohesion of these ego's are working symbiotically for the greater good of the very entity they are connected to, that is to say,that the group, or room, is displaying a personality unique to itself.
I have created a being, and this is evident when a person askes a question and much like a human mind, the room becomes abuzz with intellectual activity, as people throw ideas back and forth, recall data and discuss prior experiences which may relate to the current query.
The human mind analogy becomes clearer with the grasp of the concept of cognative thought and information recall, that is to say that when a question arises, the mind searches it's vaults of knowledge and experience to apply a solution based on same or simular circumstances, processing ideas and assessing memory data until a feasable solution is accepted.
Just as the mind searches the hallways and recesses of itself for stored data, the room searches it's people and their individual information vaults for data.
enough already.
from 8.30 until 12pm with a snack in between and a couple of 5 minute breaks, i engaged in the labourious chore of reading The learning reader, pages 147-152, karen warren 1995, you owe me an hour of my life, and through to page 196.
I marked pages 183-187 Communicating at university, Bizzell 1986,
I shall read it, but for now it is nonsese and beyond my comprehension.this may be due to my world view being not aligned with the required thinking process required to understand the lingo,concepts and context, or possibly a superficiality and simplicity in my understanding of the content, due to critcal thinking Inadequacies I currently suffer from.
Or maybe it is just a pile of pretentious rubbish loaded to the brim with impressive words and concepts that are unproven therefore impossible to refute.
I shall revisit this topic

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